Mr.Rachit Arun Goel Senior Conultant Pediatric Surgeon And Pediatric Urologist at Yashoda Hospital MBBS.GMC Miraj,Maharastra DNB(General Surgery),Jehangir Hospital ,Pune Mch (Pediatric Surgeon And (3)

Pediatric surgeons are ‘Surgeons for kids’  who take care of all surgical problems related to your child.

Pediatric surgeons manage children. Fetus [baby in womb ] up to 18 years of age.

 In some special cares, they operate on adults also.

   They do utero surgeries.

               All Neonatal surgeries.

               General Pediatric Surgeries 

               Pediatric urology and reconstructive surgeries.

               Pediatric on surgeries 

               Pediatric thoracic surgeries 

               Pediatric hepatobiliary pancreatic surgeries.

               Pediatric vascular surgeries.

               Minimal Invasive Surgeries | Robotic surgeries 

Every country has different modules of training to become a Pediatric surgeon.

In India, After completion of your MBBS degree, you first enter MS | DNB general surgery and work extensively for 3 yrs where you learn General surgical principles and operate on Adults with some exposure to, oncology, cardiothoracic surgeries, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, urology, and pediatric surgery.

After Post Graduation one can opt for pediatric surgery through competitive exams and once one gets it, they work for again 3 yrs exclusively on the pediatric age group where they learn neonatal and general pediatric surgeries, pediatric urology, pediatric oncosurgeries, pediatric hepatobiliary surgeries and many more restricted to children upto 18 yrs. 

After completing these 3yrs one becomes a neonatal and pediatric surgeon and pediatric urologist. 

In most of the cases parents do first reach to their pediatrician and if the doctor feels that child needs sone sort of surgical opinion then they refer the child to us and its vice versa but in few situations one can directly consult a pediatric surgeon which are as follows:

a. Abdominal pain

b. Constipation

c. Recurrent vomiting ( bilious/ non bilious/ blood in vomitus)

d. Significant weight loss

e. Blood in stools

f. Abdominal distension

g. Abdominal lump

h. Swelling or lump over any part of the body.

i. Urinary complaints ( increases frequency, itching, pain, burning micturition)

j. Recurrent Urinary tract infection

k. Congenital abnormalities.

l. Foreign body ingestion or aspiration.

m. Abnormal genitals both in male and females.

n. Neonatal and pediatric emergencies.

o. Neck swellings

p. Back swellings.

Recurrent abdominal pain can be because of many reasons. Your child should be evaluated clinically and investigated properly.You should seek advice of your concerned pediatrician or meet a pediatric surgeon who have depth of knowledge for abdominal pain.

In most of the kids dull aching pain in abdomen is very common. It also depends on child’s eating habits, over consumption of milk, constipation, and many others unavoidable factors. Most of the time its a developmental issue but should not be ignored . Proper evaluation should be done before coming to any conclusion. Always take opinion of pediatric surgeon or concerned pediatrician once your child develop pain in abdomen.

Constipation is a condition when child does notepads stools for more than 24 hrs. 

Constipation can be HABITUAL (due to wrong habits) or it can be  PATHOLOGICAL ( due to pathological condition).

Yes constipation causes pain in abdomen and many other symptoms like vomiting, bloating, blood in stools and many more.

As I sad early constipation can be HABITUAL OR PATHOLOGICAL. 

HABITUAL constipation can be because of many reasons like: 

  • Eating raw vegetables
    • Junk food consumption
    • Drinking less water
    • Low fibre diet ( fruits, nuts, oats, dry fruits)
    • High milk intake ( of cow or baffalo milk)
    • Not potty trained
    • Austistic / delayed development (poor communication skills)

PATHOLOGICAL constipation is because of :

  • Congenital stenosis of colon
    • Hirschsprung disease
    • Total colonic aganglionosis
    • Anal stenosis
    • Redundant sigmoid colon
    • Meconium plug syndrome
    • Cystic fibrosis variant in indian population.
    • Congenital megacolon
    • Achalasia of anal canal
    • Retroperitoneal mass or tumor

Before coming to the conclusion one should evaluate the reason for constipation.